The Best Is Yet To Come Coaching & Encouragement Program
Helping women in the 2nd half of life slow down premature aging by phasing out the items from their diet, lifestyle, and thinking which accelerate aging.
Ready For Success (Start here for Inspiration for the journey!)
FREE PREVIEWThe Best is yet to Come (Your Downloadable Workbook) You can print or not, it is up to you!
Introduction to The Best Is Yet To Come
Introduction Lesson in PDF form (if you want to print.)
A Message from Sherry your instructor
FREE PREVIEWHow to use this course
Before we begin...
Bonus Video and Devotional "From Broken to Whole" Sherry's Testimony
Week 1 Day 1 Invitation to Embrace Aging
Week 1 Day 2 Smiling is Healthy
Week 1 Day 3 (Thoughts) Stay Playful and Get a Hobby
Week 1 Day 4 Fresh Vision Keeps You Young
Week 2 Day 1 Nutrition (Begin with Breakfast)
Week 2 Day 2 Water/Hydration
Week 2 Day 3 Lay Off the Sugar
Week 2 Day 4 Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Week 3 Day 1 Exercise
Week 3 Day 2 Weight/Stretches/ Fresh Air & Sunshine
Week 3 Day 3 Adrenaline Pumping HIIT
Week 3 Day 4 Get some Z's
Week 4 Day 1 Gut Health Key to Wellness
Week 4 Day 2 Vitamins
Week 4 Day 3 Essential Oils
Week 4 Day 4 Protection from Free Radicals
Week 5 Day 1 Perfect Skin Care Routine
Week 5 Day 2 Fashion/facials, massages
Week 5 Day 3 Natural Hair Care
Week 5 Day 4 Obsess over Toxin Free Make-up and Sunscreen
Week 6 Day 1 Joy Juice/Child like Faith
Week 6 Day 2 Word Power
Week 6 Day 3 Praise/Worship/ Communion
Week 6 Day 4 Association and Generosity
Congrats! FINAL THOUGHTS: What's next?
More resources for you
Before you go...